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Chapter 10 – Support & Handover

Handover is a critical process in the Implementation life cycle and it is important that it is performed as smoothly as possible. It can become very expensive and protracted if the organizations are not well prepared for performing it. The productivity of the groups taking over the system and the quality of their outputs may be strongly dependent on how handover is performed. Overall, failing to transfer the systems may lead to loss of productivity, loss of maintainer credibility, loss of system and maintenance process quality, and sometimes, even loss of business. Therefore, a good handover process model is imperative and critical for planning for and managing transition and for alleviating many transition problems.

For any Support & Handover model to be successful there are some key points which need to be focused on –

1. Support & Handover structure

2. Key elements to be revised during the handover

3. FAQs

4. User Guides

5. Handover document consisting of

a. Key customer details

b. Data templates

c. Workflows

d. Issue log

e. Any future design considerations